Amendment (correction) to the Annual Assessment

We will help you to fix errors that have been made (by you or the Compensation Fund) in your annual Return of Earnings.


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Amendment (correction) to the Annual Assessment

SKU: AAS Category:


For those who haven’t actually faced this challenge, this will seem an inane service to offer. On the contrary, it’s essential.

In essence, we undertake to clients that we will give effect to changes to mistakes (big or small) that may have been made when submitting annual returns of earnings or when completing registration forms.

One would understandably ask: “if you can submit a Return of Earnings online or register your business online then surely the same online computer programme must also allow for corrections?”.

Well, it doesn’t.

And we can’t say whether that will change and, if it will, when.

So, if you’ve made a mistake (or the Compensation Fund has) in your Return of Earnings or registration, you have to make the change in person.

Yes, that will involve affidavits and the unavoidable trip to the commissioner of oaths. But, even more excitingly, it will then involve submitting the documents to the Compensation Fund and then hoping that:

– The documents aren’t lost or discarded;

– The matter is dealt with as you intended;

– The matter is dealt with at all; and

– The matter is dealt with without requiring that you make a personal visit to your local Compensation Fund office.

If this kind of challenge doesn’t appeal to your sense of adventure, then leave it to us to sort out your error (or the Compensation Fund’s error – which can also happen).

Sadly, you have no choice but to obtain the required documents (and complete affidavits if relevant) but, fortunately, once you’ve given them to us, there’s much less a chance that they will be lost…

We will confirm with you in writing by email of the specific requirements in your case, once you have signed up and paid for this service.

If the service requires making a correction to an error in a decision that the Compensation Fund has made, such as the industry class, or failure to apply a correct discount to your rate, we will also charge a success fee of 25% of the savings that you realise. The fee that you will have paid in advance will then be seen as a non-refundable deposit against the success fee. If this fee applies, we will advise you in advance and proceed only on your instruction.