Register users on CompEasy

We can assist you to register yourself (and others) on the Compensation Fund’s new CompEasy on-line claims submission and administration system.


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Register users on CompEasy

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Unlike the Compensation Fund’s previous on-line claims administration system, Umehluko, the new CompEasy system can be accessed only by users registered to the relevant employer. Therefore, only users registered on CompEasy for the particular employer can report new claims and follow up on progress of the claim.

Registration of users must be done on line and the application will be vetted by officials of the Compensation Fund. Whilst this is intended to be a self-help function, numerous documents are required and the technology can be complex. As a service to struggling users, we can help you to register yourself and others in your organisation.

We have registered users on CompEasy for hundreds of employers and we can assist you too.

Note: If you do not intend registering yourself, you should appoint someone else (like us) to report accidents for you. It is an offence to fail to report workplace accidents and diseases within the stipulated time (7 and 14 days respectively).